After ordering how long for a delivery date to be confirmed?
After you have placed your order, it can take some time for a final delivery date to be confirmed depending on the product itself. We will confirm your delivery date via email and will always give as much notice as possible, however in some cases a confirmed date may not be until the days leading up to delivery.
Are aluminium doors secure?
Aluminium doors are very robust and secure as standard; all of our aluminium doors come with a multipoint locking system installed.
Are aluminium windows any good?
This is a common question to ask yourself when looking into which material to choose for your new doors and windows, and the quick answer is simply ‘yes’! Aluminium windows and doors are a strong and secure option and will serve as a solid investment for many years to come. We offer a vast range of aluminium products.
Are aluminium windows fire rated?
Some are, yes, although ours are not. Unless used in a commercial setting or if stipulated by the council, it’s not usually essential for windows to be fire rated.
Are Aluminium doors any good?
The quick answer is, yes. We’ve sold countless Aluminium doors to happy customers. Aluminium doors are strong, secure, energy efficient and available in a vast range of colours, styles and designs. Customise, quote and order online easily today. We offer a vast range of Aluminium doors.
Are Aluminiumcomposite doors soundproof?
No, they are not sound proof, although they do offer good sound insulation properties.
Are bifold doors any good?
The quick answer is: yes. Bifold doors are a cost-effective solution to open up a large space. Whilst aluminium bifold doors are a superior product, and this is reflected in the price.
Are Aluminium stable doors secure?
Yes, our stable doors are equally as secure as a standard door. Our stable doors have two completely independent doors, top and bottom, which both lock into not only the frame, but also each other, giving excellent security.
Are Aluminium windows environmentally friendly?
Yes Aluminium windows are very environmentally friendly.
Can Aluminium doors be broken into?
Aluminium doors are very safe. They can't easily be broken into without a great amount of effort, time, and noise. However, do be sure to use a trusted supplier as there are many inferior products out there; likewise, ensuring the door is installed correctly is equally important. We offer a vast range of aluminium doors.
Can I make amendments to my order?
Yes you can, we hold your order for 24 hours before putting it into production so you can within this time. However we do encourage customers to check all details before placing the order to save any potential mistakes further down the order process. If you need to make an amendment to your order, contact us now to find out whether we can still help.
Can I order online or by phone?
The easiest way to place your order is online, however you can also place your order over the telephone with a representative and they will email you the details to check over.
Do you give a guarantee?
Yes we give a full guarantee with each and every product we sell! For full details on our guarantee please speak to our consultants.
Do you supply to the trade or public?
We supply to both trade and the public. Trade customers will receive a discounted price.
How do I get a quotation?
We've made getting a quotation easy, by simply selecting a product from our Product list you can get started. You can customise a product and be given an instant quote with no hidden extras.
How do I measure my existing door or window?
Measuring your existing door or window correctly is important, so we've put together a measuring guide for you. But remember if you're unsure please contact us and we'll be happy to help you.
How long do Aluminium windows last?
The life expectancy of a Aluminium window is often up to 35 years; however, that's not to say you should wait that long before replacing. If your windows and doors are looking tired and like they’ve seen better days, then replacing them can be a relatively low cost and straightforward process. You can customise, quote and order online easily. We offer a vast range of Aluminium products.
How many keys does my door come with?
All our doors come with 3x keys as standard; these can easily be cut-copied at your local key cutting merchant. If you require more keys we recommend having copies cut yourself, as the locking cylinders we supply are only available with 3x keys.
How secure are aluminium windows?
Our aluminium windows are secure as standard and come complete with a multipoint locking system on all opening casements. There is also the option upgrade to ‘toughened’ glass, which offers ever greater security.
Why choose aluminium windows?
When looking into which material to choose for your new windows, aluminium is an excellent choice. Some of the pros include added strength, slimmer sightlines, and a sleek, contemporary look and feel. Customise, quote and order aluminium windows online easily.

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